Top Rated Badge on Upwork: What It Means To Freelancers

A top rated badge certainly looks good on your Upwork (previously oDesk) profile. But more than the aesthetic, this insignia means so much to freelancers who are taking their jobs seriously.

Last March, oDesk, now Upwork, introduced their Top Rated Freelancer Program. Less than 10 per cent of the freelancer population qualify for the top rated status. If you are among those who received an email from the The Freelancer Success Team, Congratulations! You've ranked higher than the 90 per cent.

I am happy to earn the top rated status despite of the struggle I had and a lean season towards end of my 2014.  This is the email I got:

In the global freelance industry, where competition is immense as we are talking about global competition,  being able to work with great clients on their projects is already an honor. And the top rated badge heightens our pride in a good way.

Some clients may prefer to work with freelancers from the Americas, maybe because of the accent and the English comprehension skills. Well, I do not ignore the fact that some projects require freelancers who are familiar with a certain terrain or culture. I perfectly understand that. With the badge, it makes freelancers look more reliable, competent and competitive.

Speaking for myself, I do not work hard for recognition--I work hard to provide my clients with quality service, to help them achieve their project goals, and of course to earn decent amount of money for my needs. This top rated badge is an icing on the cake.

In the email, it states that top rated freelancers get exclusive job invites from in-house recruiters. This is my personal favorite among the other stuff mentioned as it lessens our time in seeking for the next big project. The in-house recruiter will match and connect you to job invitations so you won't have to browse several pages of job posts and read numbers of job descriptions

If the in-house recruiter won't be able to introduce you to your next client, the top rated badge might suffice in attracting potential employers to invite you to their jobs.

How to earn the badge?

As discussed on the Upwork blog, top rated freelancers must meet the following criteria:
  • Job Success of 90% or higher, you can track this score on your My Stats page
  • $1,000+ earnings in the past year
  • 100% completed profile
  • Up-to-date availability status
  • No recent account holds
The program is subject to enhancement. And pretty soon, Upwork might open the program to top agencies as well.

Learn more about the Top Rated Badge and updates about the company, check out their blog: Upwork Blog


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