What's Your Facebook Marketing Strategy?

I open Facebook and socialize with friends once, thrice or even more every day. It's not just a hobby, it's part of my daily routine. Funny way of putting it but that's how social network is nowadays--it seems that we can't live without it. Often, it becomes a way, if not the only way, of connecting with our friends and families.

Facebook was initially launched in 2004 for Harvard students. Seven years later, it has over 901 million users. And they are looking at reaching 1 Billion this year. If that is going to happen, Facebook will have three times the population of United States, ranking behind China and India. If you are an entrepreneur, business owner or marketer, what does this statistics tell you?

You really can't argue the fact that you need to have a Facebook presence. However, when you are there, when you have already set your business page or fan page, what's next? Are you maximizing the capabilities of Facebook to reach your potential market?

Hubspot presents a very indispensable guide to help you, which you can download here: Sooner you get familiar with the new Facebook page design, the bigger competitive advantage you can gain.

In this step-by-step guide you will learn:
  • 6 Facebook Timeline features you should know
  • Best practices for using Facebook Timeline
  • Examples of great Business Page Timelines

Social Media Examiner shared this infographic from Moontoast, showing the progress of a "potential fan" to a "super fan". Of course, every company in Facebook would like to have a lot of super fans.


Super fans are not made in a twinkling of an eye or as soon as you've set up your Facebook page. It requires hard work and patience. I've read couple of articles about Facebook marketing strategies and I choose some of the best tips that will boost your marketing efforts and potentially turn those potential fans to super fans.

  • Share unique content. Make sure to post special content on your Timeline, not just simply sharing links to your website or products or repeatedly saying the same information from different social platform. It is annoying to keep seeing the same stuff. They might see you as a spammer. So, instead of becoming engaged, you might lose them because of your content. What's great to see is valuable content likes tips that educates or something that inspires. If Facebook is an extension to your website, make sure that you are not just copying the same information. 
  • Engage with your fans. Social networking is built for interaction. So, when you have a Facebook business or fan page, makes sure to cultivate relationship with your fans that requires two-way communication. You need to interact with them, which also means liking and commenting on their posts too.
  • Offer a variety. Test the waters with different content. You can try posting photos, videos or share links. Find out where your audience responds best.
  • Create a noise. Social networking is a perfect channel to do a word-of mouth marketing. You can run a contest or promotion and let your fans share your information to their friends.
  • Measure your Facebook performance. One great feature in Facebook are the metrics that shows your page performance and let you assess how well you are doing in your Facebook marketing. Once your page reaches 30 likes, you can access the insights about your activity. You can see the total likes (number of unique people who like your Page), Friends of Fans ( the friends of your fans who liked your page), Talking About This (the number of people who were talking about your page), and the Total Reach (number of unique people who have seen any content associated with your Page). If the numbers doesn't impress you, perhaps its time to think and implement a different strategy.

Wanted to share something that works? Feel free to share it.


  1. Your right that Facebook is very in, many of us are using Facebook a lot of time and it becomes part of our daily living. Thanks for giving us info on what we're going to do to our Facebook to reach a potential market.

    Lia | Facebook Page Design Services

    1. Hi Lia! Thanks for your visit. Everybody seems to be in Facebook. It is just logical that businesses should be present as well. By the way, I've checked your site--it's great! Keep it up! :)

  2. Thanks for the reply Caryl I'm so glad that you've like our site Facebook Page Design Services. Keep it up too.

  3. When I start using Facebook, first I create my own page and I use some basic strategy to get more Facebook likes like sharing blogs and videos.

    1. Facebook makes it easy to share information. But it can be a little tricky and requires time and effort to consistently engage your fanpage.

  4. Facebook is really one of the best social networking site today in the net. I'm not sure but I know that it is the 2nd or the 3rd site that is most visited by internet users. So it is not a surprise that Facebook is very useful in marketing.

  5. Facebook provides huge traffic to your website and also it increase brand identity. It provides needful customers for your products.


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